Hola chicas!  Welcome to Simply Ashley Marie. Grab your favorite drink, pull up a chair, and let’s get to know each other. My name is Ashley Carrizales. I am 36 years old. I am married to my best friend Josh Carrizales. Our love story spans well over a decade. We have two beautiful children, Cruz (11), and Penelope (6). Texas girl born and raised. Although I currently live in the DFW area, the Panhandle is what I consider home. Growing up the oldest of five children has always been an adventure. I am super close to my family, and family is everything to me. For the past thirteen years, I have had the privilege of being a teacher. Kindergarten and First Grade are my grades of emphasis and I absolutely love it!

      Simply Ashley Marie has been a dream in the making for quite some time. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to create and express myself. Whether that be through fashion, beauty, travel, or home design, I have never been afraid to explore different outlets for creativity.  Singing, dancing, theatre arts, fashion, studying abroad, and interior design have all been sparks for my creativity.  I am a big believer that you are never too old to learn new things and follow your dreams. I wanted to create an outlet to let my creative light shine! Simply Ashley Marie is about sharing my passions and what I love, finding the beauty in the simple things, and hopefully bring encouragement to others to express themselves as well. I am so glad you are here! Let the adventure begin!